The MHJ is calling for papers for its latest edition:
“(Dis)junctures” Volume 48 (2021)

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In 2020, we have become more acutely aware of the suddenness and rapidity of the breaks, challenges, tensions, losses and, in some instances, opportunities which change presents. In many cases, our personal experiences of COVID-19 have influenced how we work and think about the past and our practice. Breaks in routines and distance from everyday social networks have also resulted in the forging of new communities and practices of belonging, prompting consideration of interconnections between larger scale social change and everyday life across time and space. Across the world, recent ruptures have once again revealed deep structural inequalities which remind us of the important role that historians play in critically analysing economic, political, cultural, and gendered power structures. To analyse these structures, experiences, and discourses requires constant attention to methods and approaches which present tensions and disruptions in the discipline. Locating alternative archives, and adopting collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches also present productive intersections and can illuminate cleavages between History and lived experiences and the processes through which narratives and knowledge have been produced and maintained. MHJ seeks papers which explore the multilayered effects of change and disruption across all scales and fields of historical inquiry.
The MHJ is calling for papers that explore the theme “(Dis)junctures” for its 2021 issue. These may address, but should not be limited to:
- Crises, conflict, and ruptures
- Change and perceptions of change
- New methods/approaches (e.g. material culture/non-textual sources, affect, new materialism, history and the Anthropocene) and debates
- The possibilities and tensions created by interdisciplinary approaches
- Challenges and opportunities of changed circumstances for individuals, communities, national and transnational connections
- Forming and reforming relationships and senses of self
- Between History and lived experience, dominant narrative and personal remembrance or alternative archives
- Convergences and divergences between ways of thinking, knowing, and acting
The MHJ is also calling for contributions which offer different approaches to examining and relating to the past, and innovative ways to present historical research. These could include reflections, thematic or review essays, interviews or conversations, primary source translations and commentaries, creative responses, and contributions which incorporate visual art.
If you are interested in submitting for Volume 48, please contact us at The deadline for submissions is March 5th, 2021.