The MHJ Editorial Collective are happy to announce the digital launch of Volume 48, (Dis)junctures!
You can access the new volume on our journal system.
Watch this space for further information about our upcoming launch event and the call for papers for the next volume.
Volume 48 of Melbourne Historical Journal includes:

Joel Barnes
Vale: Stuart Macintyre, 1947–2021
Greg Dening Lecture
Bronwen Douglas
Encounters, Agency, and Race in Oceania
Original Articles
Thea Gardiner
The Changing Commemorative Landscape during the Australian Interwar Period: The ‘Pioneer Woman Citizen’ Joins the ‘Citizen Soldier’
James Hogg
Green Bans Forever: The Public and the Press in the 1970s Sydney Green Ban Movement
Review Essay
Catherine Fist
Set in Stone? Physical Memorials to Frontier Violence in Australia